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Allergic rhinitis (AR) , more commonly referred to as hay fever, is an inflammation of the nasal passages as a result of allergy to airborne substances. Symptoms include nasal congestion, a clear runny nose, sneezing, nose and eye itching, and tearing eyes. Post-nasal dripping of clear mucus frequently causes a cough. Loss of smell is common and loss of taste occurs occasionally. Nose bleeding may occur if the condition is severe.
There are two types of Homeopathy Treatment for allergic rhinitis in India:
- seasonal and
- perennial
Seasonal AR occurs in the spring, summer, and early fall, when airborne plant pollens are at their highest levels.
Perennial AR occurs all year and is usually caused by airborne pollutants in the home and other places.
As per Dr. Surmeet Homeopathic clinic, allergic reactions are mostly genetic and environmental disease which passes on from one era to another. When a person’s immune system is weak or hypersensitivity, he is more prone to be allergic. Allergies may be because of dust particles, pets, pollen, insecticides, pesticides, chemical compounds and sometimes from medicines too. In most cases weather play important role in the cause. Allergies are of many types like Drug allergy, Food allergy, Contact dermatitis, Seasonal allergies, Animal allergy, Latex Allery etc. Out of all, seasonal allergies are most common and it causes itching, sneezing, irritation and other similar symptoms. Even food allergy is equally common, which is due to allergic reaction after consuming certain food item (Milk Allergy, Wheat allergy etc). There are medical treatments available based on the medical tests like a blood test or skin test and medical history.
Homeopathy Treatment for Allergies
Homeopathic Treatment significantly improves your immune System’s Response ,so youdo not fall prey to allergens frequently. Over a duration of time, you react much less aggressively to the allergens and progressively the allergy is cured Permanently.