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Autism is a disorder in which children have impaired or poor communication and social skills. It usually becomes apparent within the first three years of life but some mild cases get diagnosed during early schooling. People often confuse the meaning of autism with a psychiatric illness. However, Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication, and by restricted or repetitive behavior. But many parents feel that their kids start showing autistic traits suddenly after a period of normal development.
Autism is usually diagnosed by the age of three. It is a lifelong disorder caused by abnormal neurological development. It is one of five pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) that also include Asperger's syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett syndrome and pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), which are now classified as autism spectrum disorders.
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ?
A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.
The autism spectrum disorder describes a range of conditions classified as pervasive developmental. ASD includes autism, Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS]. These disorders are characterized by social deficits, communication difficulties, stereotyped or repetitive behaviors and interests, and in some cases, cognitive delays.
Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disabilities that cause difficulty in social interaction, communication and limited or repetitive activities.
Some children with autism have developmental difficulties such as speech, which is why it becomes difficult for them to initiate or carry out conversations.
With timely homeopathic treatment, many autistic children are able to learn and function better.
What are the signs and symptoms of Autism ?
Autism (or ASD) is a wide-spectrum disorder and children with autism often vary in the severity and range of signs and symptoms. As well as experiencing varying combinations of symptoms, some people will have mild symptoms while others will have severe ones.
Onset: Overt symptoms gradually begin after the age of six months, become established by age two or three years and tend to continue through adulthood.
Autism is distinguished by a characteristic triad of symptoms:
impairments in social interaction
impairments in communication
restricted interests
repetitive behavior.
Homoeopathy treatment for Autism:
We have shown some great results in treatment of autism in children. Behaviour modification through homeopathic medicines is possible and this fact has been well-documented. Our Medicines also help in reducing child's hyperactivity, irritability, or aggressive behaviour if any.