Back Pain
We are here to help when you need us.

Back pain or backache is defined as pain or discomfort felt in the upper, middle and lower back, arising from structures in the back like muscles, nerves, bones or ligament.
Back is divided into three major parts – upper, middle and lower. Depending upon the location, back pain is classified asUpper Back Pain (affecting the area of cervical and thoracic spine), Middle Back Pain (affecting the area of dorsal spine), and Lower Back Pain or Lumbago (affecting the area of lumbo-sacral spine).
Lower back pain, or lumbosacral pain, is the commonest type of back pain. Low back pain is also known as lumbago.
Backache is a common complaint affecting people of any age, at any time; even though it is commonly seen in people between 30 to 55 years. Although rare, even children may suffer from back pain, mainly due to incorrect posture and poor lifestyle. In modern times, given our sedentary lifestyle that requires spending long hours on various gadgets and perhaps longer hours at work, backache has become an increasingly common occurrence.
Causes of Back Pain are :
Lumbar strain, Nerve irritation, Lumbar radiculopathy, Bony encroachment.
Bone and joint conditions
Bone and joint conditions that lead to low back pain include those existing from birth (congenital), those that result from wear and tear (degenerative) or injury, and those that are due to inflammation of the joints (arthritis)
- Heavy physical work
- Frequent bending, twisting, lifting
- Pulling and Pushing
- Repetitive work
- Static postures
- Vibration
- Fall
- Lifestyle
Homeopathic Treatment for Back Pain
Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating Posture of spine and muscle tone. Homoeopathic medicine helps in repair and strengthening of back muscle and spine , thus eliminating all the discomfort and Pain.